VCOM Driver
koenig-pa offers an easy way of data exchange with devices with serial interface (RS232/RS422/RS485) when there is no a Serial COM port on the target PC. For example, to communicate with a QR-scanner, or various sensors to measure pressure/ temperature / humidity and so on.
The serial interface terminal is used as a normal Windows COM interface. Using this in conjunction with the KPA Virtual Serial COM driver and the KPA EtherCAT Master allows a user to communicate with a serial device from their Windows application through a Virtual COM port. Master transmits data got from the serial interface terminal to the application and back.

The list of supported terminals:
- EL6001/EL6021
- EL6002/EL6022
- WAGO 750-650/750-652/750-653 modules
The serial interface terminal enables the connection to the serial device. To configure the terminal, KPA provides the Virtual Serial COM plug-in. It allows a user to enable serial interface usage, to specify required COM settings and assign the number of Virtual COM port that will be used for communication.
KPA Virtual COM driver is available for Windows, INtime and RTX64 operating systems. It is provided as a separate module and can be installed independently of Master. It is not required additional configuring with COM settings (baud rate, data bits, parity, etc.).